Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

6-1 Case Study

6-1 Case Study

Q 6-1: Employment Agreement • Points 80 • Submitting a file upload Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to: • Apply legal principles to fact patterns that emerge on a regular basis in employment law. • Recognize, analyze, and discuss various legal problems related to employment law. • Develop critical-thinking and analytical skills. Action Items 1. Evaluate and answer questions for the employment agreement as provided by your professor (posted under the Announcements section of the course). 2. Submit your answers before the class meeting this module. Important note: you must submit this assignment before the class meeting even if you are unable to attend. Rubric Employee Agreement Employee Agreement Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking 45 to >36.0 pts The student answers all of the required questions in the assignment. Main ideas are very clear. Content is all relevant to the material learned in the class/textbook. Content is correct and of high quality. 36 to >31.0 pts The student answers most of the required questions in the assignment. Main ideas are generally clear. Content is generally relevant to the material learned in the class/textbook. Content is generally correct and of high quality. 31 to >0 pts The student answers none or only some of the required questions in the assignment. Main ideas are confusing or somewhat confusing. Content is irrelevant or somewhat irrelevant to the material learned in the class/textbook. Content is incorrect or somewhat incorrect and of low quality. 45 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport 25 to >20.0 pts The student provides abundant evidence of analysis; the information is understood and integrated well. Synthesis of information and materials provides abundant evidence of critical thought. 20 to >17.0 pts The student provides evidence of analysis; the information is understood and integrated overall. Synthesis of information and materials provides evidence of critical thought. 17 to >0 pts The student provides no or only some evidence of analysis; the information is not understood and integrated well. Synthesis of information and materials provides no or only some evidence of critical thought. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics 10 to >8.0 pts The assignment contains no notable spelling, grammatical, and/or other errors. 8 to >7.0 pts The assignment has few spelling, grammatical, and/or other errors. 7 to >0 pts The assignment has many spelling, grammatical, and/or other errors. 10 pts Total Points: 80

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1) Employment agreement is a simple form of contract signed between employer and employee at the time of engagement of employment. Such agreement created the employer and employee relationship and according to the terms of the agreement the employment governed. Most of the employment agreement based on the “at-will” arrangement between employer and employee. “At- will” arrangement means employer has power to terminate employee from the employment at any time and for any cause but the cause must not be unlawful and against the public policy. Whereas, employee can also resign from the work at anytime and at any prudent cause. As and when the agreement between employer and employee is signed the agreement become legally binding between both of the parties.